SeaScare and Porch Light Parade - City of Brier
Since 2002
Mark Your Calendar - Wednesday, August 13, 2025
Over 20 years ago when the idea was hatched to replace Brierfest, the Park Board, got creative and developed this festival centered around the business core of Brier.
Join us as the people and sea creatures of Brier get together for a casual evening of fun. Gather the kids on your block and enter the parade - the theme is scary sea creatures, octopi, pirates, boats, nautical or any sea related idea.
All kids, classic car owners and anyone with a great parade idea are encouraged to participate.
Note: Brier Road will close to traffic at 6:00 pm on the day of the event from 238th to 228th. Detour routes will be available.
Recent Photos - Click Here
Kid Zone - Elsner Law Office Parking Area
6:00 to 8:30 pm
Featuring a petty zoo, bouncy house and carnival games - don't let the kids miss it! Plus an ice cream truck.
See the pictures
A "Jolly Roger". Don't know what one is:
Jol-ly Rog-er
Function: noun
Date: circa 1785
A black flag with a white skull and crossbones formerly used by pirates as their ensign
Be sure to design your own special flag (Jolly Roger) for your group in the parade! Here's a sample of a Jolly Roger.
This year the parade will again feature a variety of entertaining participants, local classic cars, race cars and a couple bands including the Kenmore and District Pipe Band. There will be our favorite usual entrants and anyone else interested in joining the fun.
Brier Salmon Derby Sponsored by the Fish Market at QFC - Look for a staff member and get a FREE ticket to the drawing for the big fish.
Must be present to win, drawing will be held right after the parade - down by Jason's Java at the announcement booth.
Schedule of Events
SeaCucumber Day at Brier Elementary - TBA June, 2025.
At Brier Elementary, during our annual assembly, Barnacle Billie helps Carmichael the sea cucumber emerge from his tank to predict the weather for SeaScare. If Carmichael sees, or does not see, his shadow a prediction of nice weather will be made (FYI - sea cucumbers don't have eyes).
The Carmichael Song - Click Here
The Brier Library Presents . . .
Kidscare - Friday, August 8, 2025
Brier Park - 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Parents and kids! This year the kids will make something special, then walk with the library staff in Brier's SeaScare Parade. - More Information
SeaScare Schedule
6:00 pm - Parade check-in and line up - Check in will be on the north side of 232nd on Brier Road. Click Here for complete details.
7:00 pm - The Brier Realty Porch Light Parade
The parade begins just north of the library (232nd) and moves south down Brier Road ending just past the Elsner Law Offices and Kid Zone (238th).
Register for the parade on-line - Click Here
Following the parade -
Brier Salmon Derby sponsored by QFC - Look for a staff member and get a FREE ticket to the drawing for the big fish. Must be present to win, drawing will be held right after the parade.
Pie Eating Contest - sign up at the Park Board Booth - near Jason's Java.
Also going on
Beverages, food and other services will be available from all the merchants during the event.
6:30 - 8:30 pm - Food Drive- Benefiting Concern for Neighbors Food Bank. Look for the barrel near Jason's Java. As well as their team in the parade.
7:00 - 8:30 pm - Book Sale - Sponsored by the Friends of the Brier Library. This will be held next to Brier Grocery.
6:30 - 8:30 pm - Special SeaScare Sodas at Jason's Java.
Are you a local business? Interested in a sales opportunity?
Click Here for more details.
Our Sponsors
Don't forget the - Brier Salmon Derby - It's free and sponsored by QFC.
We thank all of our sponsors for making this event a success!
Any and all proceeds of SeaScare benefit the Parks of Brier. Your volunteer Park Board gives a tremendous amount of their time to this and all our events.
For further questions you can contact any of the current Park Board members and volunteers:
Ken Overstreet - (206) 498-7426
Leslie Hynes
Hunter Hendrickson
Katie Dawson
Tony Corrodo
Harmony Crawford
Jill Espitia
For past pictures of this event - Click Here