SeaScare and Porch Light Parade - City of Brier
August 13, 2025
Brier Realty
Porch Light Parade - Registration
General Parade Information:
Note: Brier Road will close to traffic at 6:00 pm on the day of the event from 238th to 228th. Detour routes will be available.
Once you submit this form you will be added to the parade participant list and notified by our Parade Coordinator - Karla Wood. Once all the applications are received, we will assemble the parade in a logical and entertaining order. At check in you will be given your profile number.
Parade Check-in will begin at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, August 13, 2025.
Check in will be on the north side of 232nd St SW on Brier Road. Since Brier Road will be closed, access to check in and parking will be available along 232nd east and west bound. The parade will line up north to 228th.
Click the map - for a larger view.
Note: Your assigned number is NOT the order you will be in the parade. It is for your announced profile.
Unless otherwise arranged horses will be at the end of the parade so they do not need to check in until shortly prior to the parade start.
Cars in the parade will be allowed to enter Brier Road at 228th to line up facing south in the west lane (right while facing south). Check-in is south at 232nd.
The parade will begin at 7:00 pm sharp. The route will end at the Elsner Law Firm. Parade participants can then walk behind the buildings and join the spectators in the area. Please - no horses in the Elsner Law Firm parking area and kids carnival.
All vehicles in the parade At the end of the parade go past Elsner Law Firm, turn right on 238th, right on 35th, right on 236th. Park anywhere and come watch the end of the parade. At the conclusion, we welcome you to display your vehicle in the center of Brier Road in front of Brier Grocery. We want to leave the area in front of Brier Pizza and Pasta open for some after parade entertainment.
Also, if you have a loud powerful car, we welcome you to show off the noise - but please no burnouts or drag type racing starts. They are dangerous for the children watching the parade in such a confined area.
Horses and participants around them. Please do not throw candy toward the audience. We want to avoid people chasing the candy and upsetting or being struck by the horses.
The theme of the parade is scary sea creatures, something nautical or anything you feel will be amusing to the spectators. Have fun! And, pets are welcome to participate.
For further questions you can contact any of the current Park Board members and volunteers:
Ken Overstreet - (206) 498-7426
Leslie Hynes
Hunter Hendrickson
Katie Dawson
Tony Corrodo
Harmony Crawford
Jill Espitia
For past pictures of this event - Click Here